Speech Analytics

Speech Analytics

Improving the customer experience has become one of the most important strategies of all organizations today.

Analyzing recorded calls through speech analytics is an essential tool to enhance customer experience. Thanks to this solution, analysis results can be obtained in different criteria such as the mood in the speech, the duration of the spoken and silent time, conversation topics, in addition to speech recognition. It strengthens the communication and interaction with customers and ensures that they are aligned with company strategies.

With the effective use of Speech analytics software, valuable insights can be created in the following areas:
  • Categorical analysis of conversations with customers
  • Analysis of company strategy, product, process, operational issues, and agent performance
  • Speech analysis
  • Trend analysis
  • Customer representative training needs analysis

At UNIQ, we support you at every step, from choosing the most suitable speech analytics product for your organization to preparing the contents of all processes, analyzes, and reports that will serve strategic priorities and create a compelling customer experience.